Research Methods

The WWW research project utilised qualitative research methods within a flexible and collaborative research design. The young people participating in the project were asked to decide on the methods that they would like to engage in. The project also had a distinct ethnographic focus, in that it: sought to explore, understand and represent the young people's cultural worlds, to encourage dialogue and participation in the project using multi-sensory forms, and to listen to their thoughts, perceptions and understandings of their experiences. The different methods that were combined in the research are outlined below.

By clicking on the images on this page you can find out more about the use of particular methods in the WWW project. You will also be able to download a related 'methods in focus' resource sheet . These resources have been designed to give detailed information about the methodology and methods and to share practical research experience from the

Photographic Methods

Many of the young people chose to use photographic methods to share their perceptions, thoughts and experiences as part of the project. Digital cameras were used to create a collection of images which the participants felt represented their identities, experiences and perceptions of life in their schools. The photographs were often accompanied by written notes in a photo notebook and were shared with the researcher in narrative interviews.

Please click on the image above to read more and to download a photographic methods resource sheet.

Film Methods

After working with photography some of the participants decided to continue their involvement in the project by engaging in some film methods. The young people  began by considering how to combine images together in sequence - they wrote scripts, produced photo essays, developed story boards and created shooting schedules. Over a number of weeks the young people met together to plan a collaborative film that would represent their experiences and share some of the ideas that had been generated in the project. The final film was shot and edited by the young people with the help of a professional film maker.

Please click on the image above to read more and to download a film methods resource sheet.

Interview Methods

A variety of interview methods were used with the young people and their parents in order to hear more about their school life experiences, their reasons for investing in a private education and their perceptions of the related risks. The parents were often interviewed individually for periods of up to three hours. The interviews that the young people engaged in included: photographic memory interviews, photo narrative interviews, group interviews, life history interviews and current and prospective interviews.

Please click on the image above to read more and to download an interview methods resource sheet.

Find out more...

Many other resources and tools have been developed as part of the WWW research project. These can be downloaded by clicking on the links below. New resources are being uploaded all of the watch this space!

- Putting on a film viewing event as part of a research project

- The life history grid

- Film club resources and storyboards

- Coming soon...Doing research over time


                              To read more about methods go to the resources page